TED talks can sometimes be very high-minded with little substance or application, which is why I particularly liked this one. David MacKay delves right into the fact that fossil fuels can already be discounted as a permanent solution, and we have to pick its replacement(s) carefully.
He takes on some popular energy sources, such as biofuel and wind, and shows that to continue life at our first world level we'd basically have to be surrounded by wind farms or have our own biofuel farm. Although this may sound shortsighted with the technology constantly moving forward, it puts into light the reality of how much we expend and the limited land available for production.
My only problem with this speech is it getting sidetracked by ways to reduce consumption. I do agree that this is important, but pick a topic and run with it.
Although the silence surrounding his jokes can be a bit unnerving, David MacKay does a great job breaking down a very important aspect of converting the world economy to renewable energy sources: land use and the efficiency of each green technology.

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