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What This Blog's All About

Alternative energy has long fascinated me as both an avid technology reader and a clandestine activist, but practicality prevents me from completely embracing the green paradise that this movement is running towards. Solar and wind sound great, but a complete transformation in the timely fashion required to mitigate climate change would cause massive blackouts, economic distaster, and widespread famine. On a lighter note, people are coming around to the idea that renewable energy may be a better path than the continued use of finite and polluting fossil fuels.

I don't want to simply promote alternatives over traditional fuels whether they are effective or not; if the pig stinks you're gonna know. Economic feasibility, effective pollution control, and abundant energy production are my criteria for a good power source. Fossil fuels don't fit these standards, but clean energy often doesn't as well. My goal is to provide a real look at green energy today and show where we are in the thankfully inevitable process of adoption.
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